This happens in android emulator. Android emulator might think a certain connection is insecure. It’s due to using http rather than https. But for some reason if you really have to use http rather than https, then try the below solution Emulator setting And then uncheck the setting here The above setting should solve your…
Month: April 2022
Flutter the following _CastError was thrown while handling a gesture
You may see this error The above error happens when you try to use Get.dialogue() from Getx package. Specially when you try. to use onTap() and Get.dialogue() together. Reason You did not wrap your app using GetMaterialApp. See the code below Learn how to use Get.snackbar()
AAPT: error: resource xml/network_security_config not found flutter Android
This means it’s missing a network_security_config. So to over this problem we need to create a new folder inside res folder. Name the new folder xml. Inside this new folder create a file network_security_config.xml and inside this xml file put the code below
Flutter setPathUrlStrategy | Remove hash(#) from url web app
We can use plugin called url_strategy to remove hash(#) from flutter web app url. Let’s go ahead and install the plugin. To remove it hash(#) from the url use it plugin function setPathUrlStrategy() from your main() function of your app.
Flutter Multiple Floating Action Buttons (FAB)
See how to create multiple floating action buttons in flutter To do it, just do like below That means inside Scaffold, you need to put floatingActionButton and return a Row or Column. Row for horizontal layout and Column is for vertical layout.In the above code I have used Row for floatingActionButton. That’s how you put…