Flutter screenutil is a great package for screen pixel adoption in different systems like Android and iOS. If you install flutter_screenutil package and initialize it correctly you will your screens looks same on the different platform and yet they are best fitted. Install it and get flutter pub add flutter_screenutil && flutter pub get And…
Category: Flutter Plugin
Flutter TextField Hide and Show | ScreenUtil
If you use flutter_screenutil package for mobile responsive adaptive size, It may mess up with the keyboard showing and hiding when you have text field to type in. If you do you use screen util package, it will make the text field attached to the bottom section of the app screen. To overcome this, you…
Flutter path_provider local storage
Flutter allows you to easily implement local storage. Below is the sample code for local storage in flutter. The sample code below we used the path_provider package to access the device’s file system. We also use the file class to manipulate files. Also, use the jsonEncode() method to convert the data to json format. I also use a textfield…
Flutter Agora Voice Call
Here, I am going to share the code of Agora voice call and Flutter integration. Here we need to make sure you have agora sdk installed using the plugin. In this flutter application I have used Getx for state management. It’s a complete about audio and video voice call. Make sure you installed the plugin….
Flutter Facebook Login & Crash Issues
Login in I have a tutorial about facebook login, it works fine in the simulator if you log in as a developer account. Here developer account means you need to create an app account in developers.facebook.com and then you need to add yourself as a developer or main admin of the app, then if you…
How to update camera position flutter google map?
Here we will see how to update camera position using flutter google map. First make sure you use GoogleMap() widget and create a google map object in your widget tree. At the same time make sure that, you have created initial value for Camera Position. If you class is stateful class, make sure that you…
Flutter Keep Application Awake
Let’s learn how to keep the application in flutter. You may install a plugin called wakelock This plugin keeps your the mobile screen awake as long as your application runs. You can do like below Here is an example how to use it in an app code. See how we used Wakelock.enable() to start out…
Flutter FutureBuilder vs StreamBuilder
Learn about Flutter FutureBuilder vs StreamBuilder. You use StreamBuilder when you want continuous data from the server or you wanna keep connected to the server and listen to changes. If you wanna learn about sudden changes then you should use StreamBuilder You use FutureBuilder to do a job only once and then you are done….
Flutter setPathUrlStrategy | Remove hash(#) from url web app
We can use plugin called url_strategy to remove hash(#) from flutter web app url. Let’s go ahead and install the plugin. To remove it hash(#) from the url use it plugin function setPathUrlStrategy() from your main() function of your app.