Flutter NavigationRail Widget helps you to get responsive site and responsive menu. This widget is built inside flutter framework. So you don’t need to any plugins. To make your site more responsive you can BottomNavigationBar and NavigationRail together. NavigationRail has two important properties. They are destinations and onDestinationSelected and selectedIndex. onDestionationSelected works with selectedIndex to…
Category: Flutter widgets
Flutter CupertinoContextMenu | Popup Menus on Long Press
Flutter CupertinoContextMenu | Popup Menus on Long Press
Flutter StatefulBuilder Widget | Example
Flutter statefulBuilder widget saves app performance and makes it faster. Some expensive operations could be replaced with this. StatefulBuilder works with a callback function. This callback function triggers rebuild.
Flutter ExpansionTiles | Expansion Panel
EpansionTile helps expand content. Part of the content is hidden and as you click on it, it expands. In general, inside expansionTile you wanna put List. Lists help you feed data using ListView.builder. If you wanna remove a child, you can put IconButton or or any kind of widget that takes onPressed or onTap event….
Flutter GridView Builder Example | Better Performance
Flutter GridView Builder comes handy when you have a lot of data to show and you want to be fast displaying them. ListView draws everything at time in column or row. ListView.builder draws in column or row on demand and save memory. GridView.builder draws in column or row on demand and save memory. In general…
Flutter Complex UI
Let’s take a look at this complex ui using flutter Stack, Row and Column. We also used Positioned widget. Without Positioned widget, elements would be overlapping in the center of stack widget. With Positioned widget, we can specify where to put a certain widget. You need to replace the icon with Flutter icon or with…
Beautiful UI Stack Widget
We used stack widget to make the over lap of plane and dots for ticket ui in flutter. The widgets are much this kind of UI designs are Expanded, Stack, LayoutBuilder, Flex and Transform Widget. The above widgets usage combination could be difficult, so strong suggest to understand how they work together. Watch video many…
Flutter Profile Card
Here, we will take a look how to make a profile card in Flutter. If you implement the code below, you will have a card like Language or Change password button below. It’s important to use a little bit of BoxDecoration for profile card. As you call this stateless class, you need to two arguments,…
Flutter Multiple Floating Action Buttons (FAB)
See how to create multiple floating action buttons in flutter To do it, just do like below That means inside Scaffold, you need to put floatingActionButton and return a Row or Column. Row for horizontal layout and Column is for vertical layout.In the above code I have used Row for floatingActionButton. That’s how you put…
Flutter Neomorphism
Use these four rules for flutter neomorphism design 1. Screen background color 2. Container border color Here Container border color should match the screen background color 3. Shadow color You shadows should be pointing to the opposite. And they should have two different colors. And they Bottom color should be little close to the background…