Flutter modal bottom sheet with dismissible widget We wrapped showModalBottomSheet inside Dismissible widget. And we wrapped Dismissible inside a listView.builder Replace TaskWidget with a Text widget. Here is your ButtonWidget
Category: Flutter widgets
Flutter Glassmorphism Design UI | With Code Given
Learn how to do glassmorphism desgin in flutter.
Flutter Beautiful Buttons For Beginners | Row | Column
Watch the video how to make a beautiful button using row and column and flexible. This button is a dynamic button. Take a look at the code Here we started with Column widget to center everything in the screen And then we used row inside the column and then we used another row inside the…
Create A List of Objects | Flutter | Getx
Let’s see how to create a list of objects that response from the UI. First we will create a model and we will call it task_model.dart In the above model, you can change your field anyway, you want. But you should know that, that’s how you create a basic model class. Since we have the…
Flutter CheckBoxListTile
In this tutorial you will learn how to create flutter category selection for multiple selection. We will use Getx for ListView. We will create object instances inside map. In the controller we will create the the map and we will also use Map’s where() and Contain methods. First we will create a model and then…