Flutter Dropdown Multiselect Checkbox
Category: Flutter
Flutter Spinning Animation Without Plugin
Let’s learn about flutter spinning animation without plugin. Animation could be scary for beginners. But three simple steps to follow for animation.
Flutter Global key
Normally, flutter will not use Global Keys. When you create a stateful widget, two object get created: a widget, and it’s state. The idea is that the widget itself will be destroyed at the end of the build (or after it is painted on the screen). Once you initiate the build again (through setState() for…
Flutter Stack Widget Center Items Alignment
If you have a lot of children inside stack widget, and you all of them to start from the center of the parent widget of stack widget, then you alignment property for it. Inside a parent widget below is our stack widget As you can see everything is messed up here. But we want everything…
Flutter Create TextStyle Class with Roboto Font
We will create class for Roboto font family. Just simple create a dart class name styles.dart and save the below code. Each of the TextStyle class returns an TextStyle object. So for Text() widget style you can call any of them based on your needs. If you wanna style your text like The above line…
Flutter Rating Widget | Star Rating Bar
Let’s learn how to create a star rating widget in flutter. This widget would be responsible to creating stars on the UI. It should be fed the data from the backend. But for now we will use hard coded value. RatingBar class, checks for whether the number of stars are integer or with floating point…
Flutter Google Map Api Prediction
Flutter Google Map Api Prediction is an awesome api to deal places that you are looking for or searching. It gives you list of places as you type in text field. First install the plugin in your pubspec.yaml file to get the Prediction Api flutter_google_places: ^0.3.0 As you type in your text field should receive…
What is locale in Flutter
If you have multiple language support in your app, you need to work with locale. Locale could be confusing for beginners. An identifier used to select a user’s language and formatting preferences. It means you can save user’s language code and country code. In general in app, we set a default language code and country…
Flutter Back To Previous Screen
We will explore four ways to go back to previous routes. First way we will explore the native way. Flutter AppBar takes IconButton or any widget that takes onPress or onTap event. Inside event set And you are good to go. So the actual code would look like this Second way If you use Getx…
Flutter BLoC Http Post Request
Previously we have covered BLoC http get request. Now we do post request here. Flutter BLoC http post request example. Using bloc post request could be scary for beginners. Here I have covered in detail about post request. First create a repository. This repository would connect to the server and post data. This is where…