Here I uncovered Get.until Remove screens until satisfying the condition. It’s the same with Navigation.popUntil(). You can use it like Get.until((route) => Get.currentRoute == ‘/home’). Remove the current screen and add a new screen. It’s the same with Navigation.pushReplacement(). You can use it like Get.offNamed By the Named route, remove the current screen and add a new…
Category: Uncategorized
Flutter BLoc Http Get Example
Here you will learn how to use http bloc example The code for main.dart The code for data_screen.dart The code for repository.dart The code for app_events.dart The code for app_blocs.dart The code for user_model.dart
Flutter FutureBuilder vs StreamBuilder
Learn about Flutter FutureBuilder vs StreamBuilder. You use StreamBuilder when you want continuous data from the server or you wanna keep connected to the server and listen to changes. If you wanna learn about sudden changes then you should use StreamBuilder You use FutureBuilder to do a job only once and then you are done….
Flutter Paginated Table | DataTableSource | PaginatedDataTable
We will see how to created a paginated table in Flutter using DataTableSource and PaginatedDataTable
How to make a search bar in Flutter
We will see how to make a responsive search bar in Flutter using simple widgets. We will put everything in a Row widget. We want the search bar to take the complete width horizontally, so we will put an Expanded widget inside the Row widget. We will make sure the search bar has distinctive color…
Flutter Error: Member not found: ‘UnicodeChar’ [Solved]
After upgrading to flutter 3.0 you will get below error if you run, Flutter Error: Member not found: ‘UnicodeChar’ To solve this error, do the below things run flutter clean delete pubspec.lock file flutter pub get.
Flutter Switch Widget | Make A Button
We will see how to use Switch widget that we can use for profile. Switch widget takes a few parameters
Error: Method ‘addPostFrameCallback’ cannot be called on ‘SchedulerBinding?’ because it is potentially null.
It could cause this problem due to flutter null-safety. Now, your vscode or android studio should give you the errors regarding which files and which lines. Most of the places, you will the keyword instance. 1. You need to put ! operator right next to the instance in extention_navigation.dart This is for snackbar. This comes…
Flutter Place Order Model for E-commerce App
The below code is for your place order model. The code is use in the app for food delivery
Flutter Order Model for Payment
Below we created an order model for our e-commerce app.