The addPostFrameCallback
method solves the problem because it schedules the callback to be executed after the current frame has been rendered. Here’s a detailed explanation of why this approach works:
Understanding the Error
The error message Unhandled Exception: setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build
indicates that setState()
was called during the widget’s build phase. This is problematic because Flutter’s framework disallows calling setState()
while the widget tree is being rebuilt to avoid inconsistencies and potential crashes.
The Build Phase
During the build phase, Flutter constructs the widget tree. This process involves calling the build
methods of all widgets, which can be a complex and resource-intensive task. If setState()
is called during this phase, it can cause the widget to be marked dirty (indicating it needs to be rebuilt) while it’s already being built, leading to an exception.
Using addPostFrameCallback
registers a callback that will be executed after the current frame is rendered. This means the callback will be invoked once the build phase is complete and the frame has been painted on the screen. Here’s why this solves the problem:
- Deferred Execution: By deferring the execution of the
call until after the current frame, you ensure that the widget tree is not being built whensetState()
is called. This avoids the conflict that caused the error. - Safe State Updates: After the frame is rendered, it is safe to call
because the widget tree is no longer in a transient building state. This ensures that any updates to the state will trigger a new frame rendering cycle, starting a new build phase without any conflicts.
- WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback: This schedules the provided callback to be run after the current frame.
- Callback Execution: The callback contains a
call, which updates the state of the widget. Since this is done after the frame is rendered, it avoids the build phase conflict.
void retryLoading<T>({
required Future<void> Function() asyncAction,
required VoidCallback onSuccess,
required VoidCallback onError,
bool isDisposed = false,
}) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
if (!isDisposed) {
setState(() {
asyncAction().then((_) {
}).catchError((error) {
print("Error performing async action: $error");
Using addPostFrameCallback
is a common technique in Flutter to perform operations that require the widget tree to be fully built and rendered. It ensures that setState()
and other state-changing methods are called at a safe time, preventing errors and maintaining the stability of the widget tree.
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