Let’s learn about flutter spinning animation without plugin. Animation could be scary for beginners.
But three simple steps to follow for animation.
- create animation controller
- create animation object
- use the animation object in your widget
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
// Remove the debug banner
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'dbestech',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.indigo,
home: const HomePage());
class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
const HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<HomePage> createState() => _HomePageState();
// Don't forget "with TickerProviderStateMixin"
class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
// Create a controller
late final AnimationController _controller = AnimationController(
duration: const Duration(seconds: 2),
vsync: this,
)..repeat(reverse: false);
// Create an animation with value of type "double"
late final Animation<double> _animation = CurvedAnimation(
parent: _controller,
curve: Curves.linearToEaseOut,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('dbestech'),
body: Center(
child: RotationTransition(
turns: _animation,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Wrap(
children: [
width: 150,
height: 150,
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.amber, shape: BoxShape.circle),
width: 150,
height: 150,
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.indigo, shape: BoxShape.circle),
width: 150,
height: 150,
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.red, shape: BoxShape.circle),
width: 150,
height: 150,
decoration: const BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.yellow, shape: BoxShape.circle),
// This button is used to pause/resume the animation
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
child: const Icon(Icons.moving),
onPressed: () {
if (_controller.isAnimating) {
_controller.stop(); // Stop the animation
} else {
_controller.repeat(); // Start the animation