Learn how to do pagination in flutter. We will load data from rest api and using ListView.builder to show the data. We will bring different pages and we will also define how much data to bring each time. Pagination is all about using conditional blocks retrieve data from server. int _page = 0; final int…
Flutter Complex UI
Let’s take a look at this complex ui using flutter Stack, Row and Column. We also used Positioned widget. Without Positioned widget, elements would be overlapping in the center of stack widget. With Positioned widget, we can specify where to put a certain widget. You need to replace the icon with Flutter icon or with…
Flutter Barcode Generator
Learn how to use barcode and generate barcode in Flutter. You can use it anywhere inside your stateful or stateless class. Use it inside the body or a container. The work is done using BarcodeWidget(), and it takes some properties. It’s a plugin which you can download from pub.dev barcode_widget: ^2.0.2 The complete app could…
Beautiful UI Stack Widget
We used stack widget to make the over lap of plane and dots for ticket ui in flutter. The widgets are much this kind of UI designs are Expanded, Stack, LayoutBuilder, Flex and Transform Widget. The above widgets usage combination could be difficult, so strong suggest to understand how they work together. Watch video many…
Flutter Getx LocalizationController | Set Locale
Setting local happens using Locale() constructor. It takes language code and country code. Locale is used the change the language on button click or onPressed events. Flutter framework recognizes different language using language code and country code. If you have many languages, then you should save those languages and related info in List. In the…
Flutter Profile Card
Here, we will take a look how to make a profile card in Flutter. If you implement the code below, you will have a card like Language or Change password button below. It’s important to use a little bit of BoxDecoration for profile card. As you call this stateless class, you need to two arguments,…
Flutter Text With Transparent Background On Image
Let’s learn how to use transparency with text background with Image as background. We will use Color.fromARGB to achieve transparency on image. We will use Color.ARGB inside container and a child a Text. So the text will have transparent background.
How to Dispose Remove or Close Getx Controller
In general Getx controllers should be removed or disposed automatically. But if you wanna force to be removed there are a few ways, you can try. 1. Inside Build Method If you want the controllers to be removed forcefully automatically, then you can inject the controller inside the build method of your class. If you…
Firebase Failed to get FIS auth token Flutter [Solved]
Now, this error happens due to blockage of communication between your app and firebase server. It means your app could not communicate with Firebase server. There could be many reasons why you will get this error Internet and VPN Connection To solve this error, make sure your android emulator has internet connection. If no internet…
Flutter Getx Radio Buttons | Toggle Selection | State Management
Learn how to use manage state with getx for flutter radio buttons. Radio buttons and getx state management. You will also learn how to select or toggle the buttons. Entry point main.dart Controller Below is the controller that maintains the state of the radio buttons import ‘package:get/get.dart’;class ButtonController extends GetxController{ String _orderType = ‘home_delivery’; String…