Which one to use Stream or Future when you get data from the network? because we want to get any updates to the user data, see, we have an edit profile feature, after the user edits their profile, we want every screen that uses the user data for displays to update automatically, that’s why. Learn…
Video Player Controller network method is deprecated
If you work with Flutter video_player plugin, you will see the below We need to pass url as String to network() method. Here we see a crossed line through, which shows that this api is deprecated. To solve this issue we need to use networkUrl() and Uri.parse() together. So use networkUrl(Uri.parse(“stringUrl”));
Error: Unsupported operation: Platform._localeName
You may encounter this issue when you try to run for Flutter web application. Normal iOS and Android platforms are not recognized on Flutter typical mobile app. If you want to run them both on iOS, Android and Flutter Web, you need to change the package. In general, your error looks like below To get…
Flutter Web App Correct Way to Run from Mobile App
Here i will cover the steps, those are needed to convert a Flutter mobile to browser app. By this, I mean how to run a mobile app in the browser. In general pretty much the below command could do the tricks. The above command does the trick. But sometimes it is not that simple. For…
GetX Controller make sure release Controller
If you use GetX and your controller instantiated with Get.put() or Get.put() not with fenix:true or permanent:true, That controller instance should be auto disposed. The default behavior is that you if you instantiate your controller Get.put(), it must be auto disposed. Learn the advanced usage of GetX here But there might be situations or bug…
Mention Somebody Flutter Group Chat
Mentioning somebody in a group chat of flutter application seems to be a tremendous task. So we have invested a lot of time built very first Flutter group chat where you can mention somebody. For group chat we have used Firebase api. Let’s took at the below image for mention somebody in the chat Check…
[Get] the improper use of a GetX has been detected
GetX and Obx() class may get you the below error [Get] the improper use of a GetX has been detected.You should only use GetX or Obx for the specific widget that will be updated.If you are seeing this error, you probably did not insert any observable variables into GetX/Obxor insert them outside the scope that…
Is Riverpod overrated? Is it difficult?
Yes, it’s overrated and difficult for beginners. Now, I am not saying this because I love other state management package or hate Riverpod. It causes problem and impossible to keep track of the error once you use Notifier Provider and AsyncNotifier Provider together. Riverpod does come with it’s benefit. Like AsyncLoading, AsyncData, AsyncValue. These are…
Great Solution ! Flutter Long Text inside Column
Let’s see how to put long text inside Column. Of course you have to put Text widget inside the Column widget a child. Here we will learn a specific rules to how it long should work every where. In general the below lay out won’t work. See the complex layout Row->Column->Text10Normal(). In this case Text10Normal()…
You Did Not About Know Access Token
There are at least two kinds of token we deal with. How access_token works in app or in Flutter framework. Now, how the access token should work and communication with the server, it’s a general idea of app building or architecture. The above code shows that we save our access_token to local storage. It does…