You will learn how to build a book reading or listening app UI from the scratch step by step. This would be flutter crash course for beginners how to build flutter app using beautiful UI. This is first part of the tutorial. This tutorial is suitable for e-book or audio player, education app building.

You will learn how to build interactive app where we load assets from JSON files. In this tutorial we have the below things
1. Creating projects
2. Loading assets
3. Load and read JSON files
4. Loop through decoded JSON
5. Building the UI for the audio
6. Use basic dart to load JSON file
The most important Flutter UI components or widgets used are down below
1. Stack Widget
2. Positioned Widget
3. NestedScrollView Widget
4. SliverAppBar
5. ListView.Builder
6. PageView.Builder
7. Material
8. BoxDecoration
9. DecorationImage
10. DefaultAssetBundle
Watch youtube video for this
In the first part of this video I have explained how to build home page.
If you have error building the initial app follow the link