Here, we will see how to create a custom snackbar using Getx.
To achieve this result we will use Get.snackbar(). If you see
SnackbarController snackbar(
String title,
String message, {
Color? colorText,
Duration? duration = const Duration(seconds: 3),
bool instantInit = true,
SnackPosition? snackPosition,
Widget? titleText,
Widget? messageText,
Widget? icon,
bool? shouldIconPulse,
double? maxWidth,
EdgeInsets? margin,
EdgeInsets? padding,
double? borderRadius,
Color? borderColor,
double? borderWidth,
Color? backgroundColor,
Color? leftBarIndicatorColor,
List ? boxShadows,
Gradient? backgroundGradient,
TextButton? mainButton,
void Function(GetSnackBar)? onTap,
bool? isDismissible,
bool? showProgressIndicator,
DismissDirection? dismissDirection,
AnimationController? progressIndicatorController,
Color? progressIndicatorBackgroundColor,
Animation ? progressIndicatorValueColor,
SnackStyle? snackStyle,
Curve? forwardAnimationCurve,
Curve? reverseAnimationCurve,
Duration? animationDuration,
double? barBlur,
double? overlayBlur,
void Function(SnackbarStatus?)? snackbarStatus,
Color? overlayColor,
Form? userInputForm, })
If you see snackbar() function you will notice that you can do tons of things with it. So to create a custom snackbar we will customize it.
First we will create a function here
void showCustomSnackBar(String message, {bool isError = true, String title="Errors"}) {
As we call this function, we will pass arguments to it. then inside the function we will use Get.snackbar().
void showCustomSnackBar(String message, {bool isError = true, String title="Errors"}) {
titleText: BigText(text: title, color: Colors.white),
messageText: Text(message, style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white
colorText: Colors.white,
snackPosition: SnackPosition.TOP,
backgroundColor: isError?Colors.redAccent:AppColors.mainColor
Now you would be called showCustomSnackBar() from your UI. But for this we need to save this function is a class. We will create a class name custom_snackbar.dart and save the function showCustomSnackBar() in it.